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Thursday 28 September 2017


Merging Project Issues

        Merging Project Issues is a solution developed by BroadTech IT Solutions  to manage duplicates in project issues. While using the Odoo project issue feature as ticketing/helpdesk mechanism, it is possible that the same requirement/issue can be recorded more than once with different subjects or titles. This module helps users to merge duplicates manually without losing the communications and other information associated with the issues.   

    Here it is explained with an example.The below image shows the  first issue “Output Incorrect”

      Issue name and communication history under the issue are highlighted

      “Program not giving proper output”  is the second issue

   Issue name and communication history under the second issue are highlighted below

       In this example we are going to merge the first issue with the second one. For this, open the first issue (source issue) and click the “Merge” button. In the pop up wizard, you can select the second issue(Destination  issue) and perform merge operation.


   Once the issues are merged, the first issue will get cancelled. The whole communications and information corresponding to the first issue will be removed from there and those will appear under the second issue.

    This is how the second issue(destination issue) appears after merge.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Odoo Asset Management App

     A simple and independent App from BroadTech IT Solutions to manage the assets owned by an organization. It helps to capture, organize and analyse Asset related information without much complications. Movements of Assets between different locations are captured separately, which helps to track the entire history of an asset during its life cycle. Instead of removing an asset from the system and erasing its past, the deprecated assets are moved into a virtual location named "Scrap", so that the record and its history will be available in the system for ever. This app has no connection with Odoo accounting applications.

        The Asset form captures purchase and warranty related information. During the creation of an asset, current location of the asset will be set, which can’t be changed directly after the creation.

    Critical information changes  like purchase price, purchase date etc will be logged as notes along with the asset record

     For organizations having multiple branches, the locations can be those branches. Locations can also be physically separated places in the same organization, similar to Odoo stock locations. 

    Locations also keep history of the asset moves happened within each location.

      Assets are moved from one location to another using the  Asset move option.

     The list view of the asset move allows analysis of the moves on the basis of Asset and Location.

     Asset Scraping is done with the help of a button in the asset form, which automatically moves the asset from its present location to scrap location. Scrap location is a virtual location configured in the system. There can be only one scrap location.

    Odoo Group By feature allows users to have quick review of the assets based on their location, category etc.

The following video provides a quick overview of the module functionality. 

Module name : bt_asset_management